Friday, November 25, 2011

Black Friday

I don't normally go shopping on Black Friday.  The crowds, the stress, and the celebration of the materialism for which Americans are now well-known do not appeal to me.

However, this morning, I discovered that National Geographic offers Black Friday specials.  In addition to getting 50% off a very cool birthday present for my sister the professional photographer, I found  the "In the Womb" collection for 58% off and "March of the Penguins" for $1.59!  

Okay, so I had to see what else was out there.  At, I found a telescope and microscope kit for 46% off.  And at, I found a sale on National Geographic's "Inside the Living Body" and "Journey to the Edge of the Universe" with Super Saver Shipping.  

While I still don't adhere to the spirit of Black Friday, I suppose I can appreciate it.


  1. And I suppose I can appreciate it too... so long as you pass along all those cool books to my kiddos. ;)

  2. DVDs, Gina. And absolutely you may borrow them!
