Tuesday, June 12, 2012


In early April, I took my girls to their first wacipi.  Maggie was captivated by the music, the movement, and the regalia.  She so obviously wanted to be in amongst the dancers that a wonderful girl sitting near us, Asia Black Bull, offered to take her into the wacipi and teach her how to dance to the drums.  

Upon arriving home, Maggie immediately set to work embellishing her Indian dress from Thanksgiving with beads,bells, and feathers.  She found a fan and pouch to include with her leggings and headdress.  While she worked, she asked to listen to Native American drumming and chanting (she knows Mommy can find ANYTHING on YouTube). 

Also, Lena got a beaded turtle.

Oil Painting

In late April, Maggie felt inspired to create but was a little stifled by her usual media (markers, crayons, and temporary tattoos).  She laid out some newspaper, unpacked Mommy's oil paints and palette, found a canvas in the basement, and started to paint.  

This piece was the culmination 
of about three days' work.  

It was modeled on this painting.

When she had finished, she washed out her brushes 
and put the canvas up to dry.